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3 Tips to Help Brands Reach New Wholesale Buyers in 2025

3 min read
October 22, 2024

A burning question for many brands already in the wholesale space (and for those that are just getting started) is how do I keep growing my buyer base? 

While it’s relatively easy to start with buyers you already know or those within your vertical, expanding beyond that initial network can be difficult. 

With over 18 years of helping brands grow their wholesale business, we figured we have something to say on the topic. 

There’s a whole book we can write on how to grow your buyer base, but think of this advice as the prologue.

Breaking it down into three simple strategies that can help you navigate your expansion in wholesale: be creative, be consistent, and be selective. 

Be Creative with Your Approach

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Being creative doesn’t just mean offering unique products; it’s about being flexible and innovative in how you present your offerings and collaborate with potential retail partners. 

Consider these tactics:

  • Offer Flexible Testing Options: Allow buyers to test your products in-store without upfront payment. This low-risk approach can entice retailers to give your brand a try.
  • Host Trunk Shows and Pop-Up Shops: Engage directly with customers through events like trunk shows or pop-up shops. This can create buzz around your brand and give retailers a reason to keep your products on their shelves.
  • Use Microsites and Digital Pop-Ups: Here’s one that RepSpark can directly help you with. Create dedicated microsites or digital pop-up shops tailored for specific buyers. This not only provides a unique shopping experience but also showcases your commitment to meeting buyers' needs creatively.

By offering unconventional solutions and being open to testing different strategies, you can make it easier for retailers to consider your products, even if they don’t align perfectly with their current assortment.

Be Consistent in Your Outreach

Consistency is key to building relationships and gaining traction in the wholesale market. You’ve probably heard that it takes multiple touchpoints to capture someone’s attention—this is especially true for wholesale buyers. 

Here’s how to stay on their radar:

  • Frequent, Targeted Communications: You can use a software platform, like RepSpark, to create personalized assortments or catalogs that show you understand their needs by tailoring your offerings to fill gaps in their current inventory.
  • Regular Follow-Ups: Don’t be afraid to follow up multiple times. You may need to reach out seven to 10 times before a buyer is ready to engage with you. Whether through emails, phone calls, or in-person visits, your persistence will eventually pay off. 
  • Offer Ongoing Support: Keep your brand top of mind by offering additional support, such as setting up trunk shows or pop-up events. This not only builds rapport but also demonstrates your commitment to a successful partnership.

Being consistently visible and offering tailored solutions will set you apart from other brands and increase your chances of getting noticed.

Be Selective with Your Partnerships

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It's important not to overextend yourself while you’re scaling your wholesale business. Not every retail account will be a perfect fit, and trying to sell to every potential buyer can be overwhelming and counterproductive. Here’s how to be strategic:

  • Assess Retail Fit: Look at what potential partners already carry. Choose those whose existing product lines complement yours and where your products would fill a gap or add value.
  • Evaluate Locations and Demographics: Consider the geographic locations of the retail stores and whether your brand aligns with their customer base. Focus on areas where your products have the highest potential to succeed.
  • Align with Your Brand Values: Ensure that the retailers you partner with share your brand’s values and story. This alignment can lead to more authentic and successful partnerships.

Being selective allows you to manage your growth more effectively, ensuring that each new account is a strategic fit that enhances your brand’s presence and reputation.

Entering the wholesale market requires more than just great products; it takes strategic thinking, persistence, and creativity. 

By being creative in your approach, consistent in your outreach, and selective with your partnerships, you can build a strong foundation for long-term success in the wholesale space. 

Remember, it’s not about reaching every buyer—it’s about reaching the right buyers. With these strategies, you'll be well on your way to expanding your wholesale reach and growing your brand.

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