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RepSpark Blog

5 Ways to Optimize Pre-Books

the-creative-exchange-kWVImL5QxJI-unsplash (1)Congrats! You made it through a successful show selling your coveted product. Now that you are back in the office, it’s time to get all the numbers in order. Hopefully, you used the Digital Catalog to sell at the show and there is no need to chase down orders since you already have the data. 

With this information already at your fingertips, we’ve gathered the five things you can do this week to elevate your retailer’s experience and optimize their buy. 

5 Ways to Optimize Pre-Bookings for your Retailers: 

  1. Send your retailers a visual of their bookings.
  2. Using the Whiteboard tool and NEW Multi Date Feature, showcase the creative ways the items can be merchandised and the numerous outfit opportunities with the styles the selected. Multi Date Order Board
  3. Were Favorited Items left unbooked? Send off a custom email blast featuring the styles and incentives to book early. Multi Date Order Board (2)
  4. Analyze their past booking and sales reports. Was an item overlooked? Now is the time to reach out and maximize their plan for the order.
  5. Do you have unique Digital Catalogs for certain retailers or do you want a partner to go in and edit any updates? Set unique permissions on your catalogs to give access to specific individuals.Multi Date Order Board (1)

As you stop to review your orders this season, we hope it was one that broke records for the company and that your sales team enjoyed a pleasant experience with sell-ins. Debbie Martin, reached out to share:

“I’ve never received so many pre-books as I have this past show. Thanks to the Digital Catalog, not only did we increase our number of bookings, but we also increased our revenue and did so with such immediateness!”

We know you have big goals for 2020, and we know the freedom to strategize instead of chasing numbers can help you get there quickly. If you have any questions while reviewing your orders, please reach out to RepSpark's Customer Success Team.Contact Customer Success Team

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