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RepSpark Blog

B2B WishLists for Your Retailers


Think back on the last time you did some online shopping. You may have added a few items in your cart or to an ongoing wishlist for when payday hits or in hopes it goes on sale.

B2bHave you ever stopped and wondered how convenient it is to have those wish list items where you can go back at a later time to purchase?

At RepSpark, we love wish lists and online shopping, which is why we include the feature for your retailers. We understand the value of having convenient tools on hand to bookmark “liked” styles and to help keep merchandise in mind for a later date. In RepSpark software, this is found in Private Assortments.  This tool exists not only to serve your retailers, but also provide great data for your sales reps. 

Here are three of our favorite ways you can enhance your retailers shopping experience and better serve their needs with our Customer Assortments tool: 

  1. It’s more than a space to save potential styles to buy; it can also serve as a placeholder for the the top performing products and must-have styles for the season. This can be used to prevent overlooking key performing merchandise and strengthen your inventory forecasting. 
  2. Sales Reps can easily personalize retailers’ Digital Catalogs, create a fully branded portal page and share all marketing assets based off of the specific products they have saved within their Assortment tab. 
  3. Retailers can sort through custom assortments that have been shared with them in visual tools like the Whiteboard before adding it directly to their cart. In fact, they can even skip the step of adding it to their cart and order directly from their Catalog or Custom Assortment. This allows retailers to create and visualize a custom curated assortment that is unique and easy to send off to their team. 

And the fun is just getting started! We are getting ready to turn your Customer Assortments up a few notches by allowing your buyers and sales reps to:

  • Optimize their product assortment through attributes like best sellers, color, highest margin, or the newest addition. 
  • Automate reminders to B2B customers to review their wish lists.
  • Report on B2B wish list items (Yes, now you can actually explain with numbers what their performance could be with favorited items.)
  • Do new styles take awhile to approve for large buys? Allow management to review all wish lists and be able to show off and share the potential of the assortment by creating a mocked up version of the product presentation.
  • Alert users when sold out product added to the wish list becomes available again.
  • Automatically email B2B accounts when product has been on the wish list for x number of days to buyer to click through to the cart and order 

Ready to get started and get your buyers hooked on making and accessing shared Assortments? Then take advantage of all RepSpark has to offer and take the initial step with your team internally. We’ve found the best way is to get the ball rolling is to create and share Custom Assortments for your buyers to show how convenient it is to use. Even better, you can send these as an e-blast through the Customer Communication Hub and monitor the clicks and orders.  We suggest making a best seller list of their must have styles for next season. (**This will also help your team with forecasting, planning and sales goals.) Then send off a video to your buyers of how they can also get ready for next season and make it the best one yet!

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