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RepSpark Blog

Four Essential Ways to Utilize RepSpark

As a loyal enthusiast of your brand, you want to make sure that you are putting your best foot forward and the world knows about the great products you have to offer. This is why you’ve partnered with RepSpark to help you sell your products easier and efficiently for your buyers.

We know that life can get busy, and you can get focused on a few things that work and forget to look at the other ways you can enhance your brand's selling experience. If you want to be sure that you are taking advantage of all RepSpark offers, then we have the list for you. (Download the checklist here.)



As a smart business leader, you know that first impressions of your brand are everything. While you may spend the bulk of your time marketing to your B2C audience, how often do you look at your presence to B2B? 

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  1. Are you branding your login screen?
  2. Are you branding your homepage to drive buyers to specific collections and digital catalogs?*
  3. Is your newest logo on the site?

*It’s crucial to enable the proper roles for who views which screen. You can allow a guest role to introduce your brand and make selling assets available with key information you decide to share. Or you can enable a buyer role where long term accounts can easily shop a tailored experience. 

Set aside time to make these simple changes to brand your business. 

Capitalizing on B2B

As a brand, you can spend so much time marketing the end consumer that you can miss your retail audience’s specific focus. Want to know the best way you can set your brand apart from the competition? 

Make it easy for your buyers to shop with you.

Here are a few questions to examine the B2B aspect of your business. 

  1. Are you using B2B?
  2. Is B2B set to grid view, so they have the most B2C type user experience?
  3. Are there older limitations that may need to be removed for B2B?
  4. Are you building catalogs and assortments to share with your buyers?
  5. Are you actively inviting buyers to join your RepSpark membership?

Do a quick run-through of your B2B buying process. Take note of any friction points and even invite a new team member to do the same. The goal is to make it intuitive as possible to navigate through your selling process.

Order Entry

Gone are the days of manual order entry via paper. It creates too much room for error, and it’s a waste of resources. How do you know your methods are a way of the past? Check out these four questions and if you have any reservations about making changes, then check out a blog of Why Old Methods are Costing You Millions.

  1. Are you using the excel order form?
  2. Are you setting filters to best display product that is relevant?
  3. Are you sending in a long description and multiple product images?
  4. Discounting- are logic and permissions current for each role?

Invest your dollars and time into better resources than paper orders. You’ve got a business to grow, and you already have the tools to help you reach your numbers!

Catalogs and Assortments

Finally, the essential aspect of selling your brand to buyers - Digital Catalogs and Assortments. This is how buyers can view your line, know what’s available and interact with your products, even while remote. If you aren’t taking advantage of utilizing Digital Catalogs, then reach out to success@repspark.com immediately, and we will make sure your brand is living it’s best sales life! 

For that matter, if you have questions on how best to navigate any of these items for your brand, then don’t hesitate to reach out today. We are here to partner with you!

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