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RepSpark Blog

Homegrown Software and Fax, Trends From NAUMD 2024

We heard two common responses from the exhibitors and attendees that we talked to at the 2024 NAUMD Convention and Exposition: “we’re using homegrown software to manage our B2B wholesale” or “we’re faxing handwritten orders.”  

Companies in the workwear and uniform industries find themselves relying on long standing processes that have historically worked for them. One of the uniform companies we spoke to has been around for 110 years. 

For this company, and similar ones, paper order entry and printed catalogs used to communicate product details to buyers are the norm. They'll send emails and calls to iron out details, but that process brings endless back and forth. 

But when there are so many ways that software like ours can digitize and transform their operations, what’s stopping them from making the switch? 

FOMO (fear of missing out). 

Companies in this sector are worried that they’re going to miss out on their customers who, like them, have not shifted their business to the digital space. 

They’re worried that they’ll lose their existing buyers if they tell them that they now have to order through this digital platform. But, there’s also an opportunity to bring themselves, and their buyers, into a more efficient and profitable method of operating.

NAUMD Blog Image 2 

How B2B E-Commerce Software Can Improve Old School Processes

It may be difficult for companies in the uniform and workwear industries to move away from processes that have historically served them well. But, there are several benefits that they can get from integrating a wholesale software platform into their operations

Efficiency & Productivity

The automation processes that B2B e-commerce software allows can save time and reduce the risk of errors in order processing, inventory management, invoicing, and much more. 

Customer Experience

The online ordering and self-service portals that e-commerce software brings can lead to faster order processing times and increased customer satisfaction; all benefits that can improve the customer experience. 

Bigger Market Reach

An online presence means your business can reach customers worldwide at any hour of the day, even when you’re asleep. 

Data Management & Analysis

E-commerce software empowers you with tools to better manage and analyze your transactional data. The information you gain from tracking customer behavior, sales trends, and real-time inventory can all help you make better informed business decisions. 

Increased Revenue

Automating manual processes has the potential to save your business a lot of money previously spent on operational costs. And, gaining the ability to sell outside your local area opens up your buyer base, which can lead to increased sales and revenue. 

Currently, the uniform and workwear industry represents a combined market opportunity of $120 billion and a large majority of the sales in the sector are still transacted through traditional wholesalers. 

In fact, the global market for workwear is estimated to reach $25.3 Billion by 2030, growing by a compound annual growth rate of 4.4% by 2030. 

There are plenty of factors showing that the industry is good as-is, but trends continue to show that buyers are increasingly opting for online channels to research products, communicate with suppliers, and purchase work apparel. 

photo of Berne's booth at the 2024 NAUMD Conference

Manufacturers and brands that adapt to these changes and realize the benefits that digitization can bring to their business will be the ones that will continue to see success through improved margins, higher sales, and more sustainable practices. 

For a full breakdown of how our software can help uniform and workwear companies improve efficiencies and grow revenue, check out this blog. 

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