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RepSpark Blog

Information Is Power- The Next Evolution of B2B Ecommerce

Essentially today's retailers have all power because they have access to sold, timely, actionable, and accurate information.  All too often executives and their sales force must navigate multiple complex applications or ask someone to produce reports and visualizations.  Worse, output is often too fragmented or complicated to interpret and use readily.

What is the strategic role of information in Sales Management?  

With B2B e-commerce at the forefront, it is important to have smart selling tools as well as the now standard order entry platform.

This descriptive whitepaper deliver a brieftalk about the below topics:

  • What is salesforce automation?
  • What are the benefits of it?
  • How can you measure retail perfroamnce?
  • What are essential performeance metrics that matter in retail?
  • What are some advantages of data analytics?

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOADAs published in CIO Review:  


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