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RepSpark Blog

Personalizing Your Merchandising in Today’s Fast Paced World

So many brands and so little time. 

Retailers these days have less and less time to filter through emails and catalogs to allow new opportunities to grow in their retail locations.  What is the BEST way to both Open New Doors and Close More Deals?  The merch guide is the key to success!


Opening New Doors-Merch Guide-Best Practices

What better way to introduce your new product with a prospective account? Start by pre-selecting the product you know would be a perfect fit for this retailer. 

  • Best way to find out what the perfect product is-Go to the store, look on the store’s website and check out their social media!
  • From there, what better way to capture their attention than a one of a kind, branded with their logo, custom merchandise guide?  …and that’s only to start the conversation.
  • Once you get the appointment, which you will, while you’re discussing the suggested buy, you can add other product, delete and reorganize on the fly.
  • From there, save the sheet as a wishlist or convert directly to an order.

Closing More Deals with Existing Accounts-Merch Guide Best Practices

How great would it be to put together a custom product mix derived from a retailers last year's best sellers or based on that store's reorders or based on this year's top selling products for like accounts?  How much more powerful would your meeting be with this information in a visual sheet?

  • Pull reports of this customers last year’s top products and current year's top products.
  • From there, create a customized merchandise guide for your account.
  • Make sure to put their logo and personalized notes on the page.
  • Put this together with historical and current reports (Number of reorders, total sales in a timeframe, etc.)
  • Send over prior to your meeting in a single, easy package.

After the meeting is over, immediately save, modify if needed and convert directly to an accurate order.

Personalization goes a long way when creating custom assortments for your buyers.  Show them that you are the expert and that you understand their current needs and history (if not a new account) directly from your B2B e-commerce platform.

“All I do is merch guides all day!  I love these things, and so do my buyers!” 

Amy Shaffer, La Jolla Group

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