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RepSpark Blog

RepSpark signs Bette & Court and Sport Haley



Sport Haley and Bette & Court are known for their excellent quality and value both on and off the links. RepSpark is excited to announce that we have partnered with the two brands to provide the best service and experience possible to both their sales reps and their B2B accounts. 

 “We chose RepSpark for all of the up-to-date features it has when working in our golf business landscape. The ability to filter to certain products and collections help our customers as well when showing them products or suggested orders. The responsiveness of the RepSpark team to our needs confirmed we made the right decision.” said Scott Smith, VP Sales. 

 It is imperative in the golf industry to be able to effectively handle adding proper embroidery, placements, colors and to capture each brand’s surrounding business rules throughout the order entry process. Accuracy with embroidery orders is key to both Bette & Court and Sport Haley. Smith continued, “RepSpark has enabled us to handle embroidery needs, which are unique to each customer. We are able to communicate a visual of the logos selected for each embroidery order, communicate with the customer and avoid costly mistakes.” 

 “We are mostly excited about how fast our sales reps can enter orders, which gives us quicker visibility…The reporting aspect will be very helpful as well,” Smith finished. 

 “We are every excited to add two additional golf lines to the RepSpark family. We look forward to helping both Sport Haley and Bette & Court achieve maximum efficiency through streamlining sales from order entry to reporting,” stated Meghann Butcher, RepSpark Partner.

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