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RepSpark Blog

Shift from ‘How’ to ‘Now’: Launching the Virtual Showroom

Tired of all the unknowns and ready to do something to sell your product? We have been listening and empathizing with brands in our industry on how we can overcome this time together and we know you are ready for an answer on how to sell your products in the midst of a new normal. To provide an easy solution and to make your products available for interaction with your buyers, RepSpark is excited to announce the upcoming launch of our Virtual Showrooms! Now, you can offer a trade show experience from the safety of home. 

What is a virtual showroom?

In simple terms, it’s your product line launch video. As your buyers interact with videos that display your line, they can simultaneously pull up the digital catalog to accompany your line and begin placing their orders.  ProductMockup

Starting next week you will be able to enjoy the benefits of this new selling feature and until then here a few tips to prepare your brand for the update. 

1. Get your Digital Catalogs up and running

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to get all your products uploaded into your Digital Catalog so you can sell directly to your buyers. If you have questions or would like to see a demo of our Digital Catalog in action, then Schedule a Demo today.

2. Plan your digital showings schedule

Just like you would plan your fashion shows or sales meeting, take the time to plan out how you want to present your line of products. Perhaps have a highlight reel of main products, then narrow your focus down to subcategories. We recommend having a plan for the following:

  • Digital Video Tradeshow Plan
  • Digital Sales Meeting Plan 
  • Digital Line Release Video

3. Set up your recording studio

Whether it’s at your home or a space in your showroom, gear up your recording studio. In case you missed it, the Co-Founder of RepSpark and Partner of L*SPACE shared the technology they have implemented to set up their recording studio. If you don’t have the budget to invest in a lot of equipment, no worries. An iPhone, webcam or GoPro are good alternatives, just make sure your lighting is bright to properly show off the colors. Here’s the basic checklist you want to have in your studio:

  • Video Camera
  • Good Lighting
  • Microphone to capture clear sound

4. Begin recording your video segments

Start recording the video segments of your line so you can hit the ground running when we launch next week. When you record the video of the clothing, be sure you showcase:

  • How the clothing fits and/or drapes
  • Highlight the features - pockets, buttons, etc
  • Speak to the fabric and material

During your video segments, think of the customer who would be shopping the product online and what all they would need to know. We know this is a new dynamic from being able to touch and feel, so get creative with new ways you can virtually show off your hardwork and designs. Once your videos are complete, be sure to upload the content on a password protected video platform. Our Virtual Showroom integrates with YouTube, Vimeo, and Dropbox.

5. Alert your buyers for the next trend in trade shows

Here’s the hard truth, we may not ever go back to how trade shows have historically been conducted so it’s time to jump on the digital bandwagon and get your buyers to do the same. Via the Customer Communication Hub, send out a teaser of what they can be looking forward to and how they can now interact with your products. Do you have samples on hand? Use the lead time to send color swatches or popular items their way so they can have something to hold while enjoying the video of your line debut. 

If you have any questions about the use of this new selling tool, schedule a demo today and be equipped with the right selling tools to help eliminate the unknowns.

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