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RepSpark Blog

14 Tips to Enhance Your Next Trade Show

Tired of going to trade shows and returning feeling like you missed big opportunities or didn’t see the ROI you were hoping? 

There is so much that goes into preparing for a trade show that it can be easy to overlook key details to connect with your customer and build lasting relationships. To help your brand be successful and maximize your return on the time and money spent to exhibit at the shows, we’ve compiled the ultimate trade show playbook of what your brand can do before, during, and after the show. 

Below are tips to help your team be successful at the next trade show. And if you are wanting even more tips, then download The Ultimate Trade Show Playbook with a complete list of tips for before, during, and after the show.


Pre-Show Prep Work

Before the show, take the time to implement these practices. 

With Your Line

  • Confirm all pricing, delivery dates, and product features with your design and merchandising team.

With Your B2B Platform

  • Create the main Digital Catalog for public viewing so that new retailers can browse your assortment.
  • Update your Digital Storefront landing page so that it’s easy for new retailers to navigate your assortments.
  • Enable UPC scanning for easy shopping at the trade show.

With Your Retailers

  • Create a list of key accounts you are planning to meet with, review their reports and create a custom Assortment and Digital Catalog that focuses on their location. 
  • Promote your attendance to retailers via email marketing and social media.

With Your Booth Display

  • Finalize designs for your trade show booth and make sure everything is planned to arrive a day or two before the show begins.


Here are a few tips to impress your buyers during the show.

Welcome Retailers to the Booth!

  • Have beverages and snacks available for your retailers. They’ve been on their feet all day and you want to provide a place where they aren’t rushing out of the appointment because they are starving. 
  • Have charging stations and power cords for electronics.

Demonstrate the Ease of Digital Catalogs

  • Take a moment to quickly share the features of shopping with Digital Catalogs. While many buyers are now using the features, it’s good to have a quick refresh and showcase that they can place orders directly, favorite styles, make notes and plan out deliveries. 

Build relationships with your retailers

  • Invite your retailers to dinner or cocktails to build relationships and get to know them more.
  • Connect with your accounts on social so you can easily follow up after the show and stay up to date on the success of their business.

A lasting impression.

Tips to stay top of mind with buyers after the show. 

Continue Relationships

  • Send a follow-up note on social or email to your accounts thanking them for their business and for taking the time to connect with you at the trade show.

Close the deal

  • Don’t just wait for retailers, go ahead and close the deal. Review the items your retailers have marked as their Favorites and curate a custom assortment for them to easily approve and purchase. This is a great follow-up tactic 

Want the full set of tips and tricks for your brand to be successful at the next trade show?

Download the Ultimate Trade Show Playbook below to get your hands on the complete list of strategies to build connections with retailers and maximize your return.



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