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Virtual Fitting Rooms Explained: A Guide for Retailers

5 min read
May 29, 2024

We've all been there – hesitating at an online-checkout, trying to figure out if the clothes we’re buying are actually going to fit when they arrive. This is the dilemma of online shopping, there’s a convenience to buying at home, but that convenience is often undercut by the concern of a new brand not fitting how it’s supposed to. 

This is where virtual fitting rooms (VFRs) come in. Since the 2010s, some of the biggest brands in the world have adopted VFRs for compelling reasons: they help customers shop with confidence by sidestepping the guesswork and allow businesses to thrive by providing a unique and tailored shopping experience.

Below we'll go over the basics of virtual fitting rooms, breaking down what they are, how they work and what they mean for the future of retail.

What Are Virtual Fitting Rooms?

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VFRs are exactly what they sound like: a digital version of an in-store fitting room. Through advanced technologies, customers are presented with opportunities to virtually slip into various items of clothing. This allows them to see what certain products look on them without having to physically try them on.

In a matter of a few clicks, you get a trustworthy read of a selected clothing item, from style to pattern, from size to color. Virtual fitting rooms are interactive, convenient and trustworthy which means customers are provided with a streamlined shopping experience that eliminates the need for multiple order attempts, return trips or endless dressing room queues.

You can see how RepSpark implements a virtual fitting room on our guide to getting started with Virtual Showrooms

How Does a Virtual Fitting Room Work?

From image diffusion, through pose estimation, augmented reality and AI-software, the technology required to bring the dressing room experience to the screen is constantly advancing. While not all VFRs work the same way, most rely on similar underlying principles for an advanced try-before-you-buy experience. Let's go over the key mechanisms that drive their functionality.

Body Scanning

o The starting point for all VFR-services are precise measurements, meaning that a realistic avatar of the customer must be built before they can try anything on. This can be done by using depth sensors, cameras, live-videos or user-generated input. Each method captures data points on the body's contours and proportions and relies primarily on AR for accuracy and AI algorithms for fine-tuning and consistency.

3D-Modeling and Simulation

o Personalized measurements are processed into a 360-degree 3D-model of the user's body. The user can then put the virtual clothing onto their 3D model using AI-assisted tech and an AR-enhanced environment for quick and efficient adjustments. This allows the shopper to visualize their choices and interact with them in real-time.

Benefits of a Virtual Fitting Room

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Enhanced Shopping Experience

o   Personalizing the browsing process, reducing uncertainty of purchases and minimizing the hassle of returns means that customers enjoy a convenient, engaging and seamless shopping experience. VFRs empower shoppers by combining in-store benefits with online convenience.

Building Connections with Customers

o   A satisfied customer is a returning customer, and fine-tuning their shopping process fosters loyalty and trust, both vital for a long-term business relationship. Optimizing VFRs to stimulate consumers further solidifies this bond by clearly signaling that their individual choices are valued.

Increased Online Sales

o  From a business standpoint, the convenience of home-shopping and practicality of VFRs translate to significant boosts in online sales. Fewer barriers for purchase ultimately increase overall sales conversion rates, meaning the integration of VFRs is a smart strategy for businesses looking to capitalize on their e-commerce channel. 

Clearer Stats

o  Virtual fitting rooms provide valuable data on customer behavior and preferences. Backed by this information, retailers can better adjust their offerings, recommend options based on past purchases or make informed decisions on new trends, inventory and marketing strategies.

Reduced Returns

o  Reduced returns are a notable benefit of virtual fitting rooms as they minimize the likelihood of receiving items that don't meet customer expectations in any respect. In the long run, this means decreasing expenses (processing, restocking, potential markdowns) as well as enhancing customer loyalty.

Biggest Challenges and Limitations of Virtual Fitting Rooms

While there are several benefits to virtual fitting rooms, they’re not without drawbacks. Successfully implementing VFR technology requires hefty investments and technical expertise and even then the system isn't foolproof. Impacting consumer habits is an uphill battle and you'll need to dissuade distrust of emerging tech and accompanying security risks. Understanding these potential challenges will help you develop strategies to mitigate risks and maximize benefits.

Implementation and Integration

o Integrating virtual fitting room software with existing platforms and sales management systems can be tricky. If you want to facilitate coordination within your ecosystem or minimize downtime, look into optimization techniques early on.

Data Privacy

o   In all business, trust is key, which holds particularly true with emerging tech in digital landscapes. You'll simply need to take extra care safeguarding private data. Customers need to know the personal information they provide is handled with the utmost security and that systems are in place to protect them from potential breaches.

User Adoption

o   It can be hard for consumers to try out new technology that wasn’t previously part of their shopping habits, so don't expect everyone to sign on. There will be a learning curve for you and your customers, so be aware that it won’t be a perfectly smooth transition. 

Limitations of Current Technology

o  Getting accurate virtual representations of items or customers will be an ongoing effort. So prepare for a long virtual haul and make sure to keep up with advancements for a fully efficient VFR.

How to Implement Virtual Fitting Rooms in Your Business  

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If you’ve read everything so far and you want to try virtual fitting rooms for your business, here’s what you need to know.

Assessing Your Needs and Objectives

By clearly outlining what you hope to gain from integrating VFR-options in your offer, you'll be able to create a sound strategy that aligns with your business goals. Here are factors to think about:

  • Primary Goal: Increasing online sales, reducing return rates, boosting customer experience
  • Target Audience: Their demographic, preferences and behavior
  • Current Technological Infrastructure: Website compatibility, data management systems and customer support
  • Long-Term Expenses: Implementation with maintenance and upgrades

Choosing the Right Technology and Partners

Knowing who to trust is key to solidifying your position in the market and the right partner will fully focus on guiding you where you want to be. To implement virtual fitting rooms in your business structure, you'll need to opt for the best in partnership, technology and expertise. A VFR solution supported by a partner you trust will let you tailor the tech based on your operational requirements. This way, you’ll always be making the best decisions to drive business forward.

RepSpark's Virtual Showrooms

Virtual Showrooms are our version of a virtual fitting room. In the simplest terms, our virtual showrooms are your product line launch videos. 

You record the footage of models in your showroom, wearing your merchandise, and retailers can interact with your videos to walk through your new collection. 

A retailer can add any product they see in your virtual showroom to their cart, or favorite a product for later. 

There's a lot more to our Virtual Showrooms, so if you want to learn more, as well as how to use it on our platform, check out our Getting Started Guide to Virtual Showrooms

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