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How to Track and Manage Your Sales Leads

6 min read
September 26, 2024

One of the most important parts of improving recurring revenue for your brand is ensuring you're bringing in a steady stream of new leads.

If you've been in sales long enough, you've probably had the frustrating moment of a promising lead suddenly going cold.

You did everything right – had a great conversation, sent over materials, but a likely client somehow slipped off your radar. It happens. But if it happens often, it probably has nothing to do with your pitch or the product. It’s about how you’re managing leads.

Sales isn’t jotting down an endless list of potential customers – it’s staying on top of every interaction and knowing when to leverage which lead in your pipeline. Otherwise, you’re missing out on valuable opportunities.

So let’s look at the basics of lead management: what it means to stay organized and engaged, how this can help turn hints into sales and why it’s vital for sales success.

What Are Sales Leads?

The short answer – anyone who has shown interest in your product or service, for brands interested in wholesale your leads will generally be new retailers willing to stock your product

Some leads are ready to commit to your brand while others are just testing the waters or comparing you against the competition. This means a lead could be many things: someone who casually filled out a form on your website or a referral from a happy customer, eager to get started.

Separating one from the other, and then effectively managing both, helps you in the long run – it affects your follow-up, time spent on a customer and likelihood of closing the sale. Meaning, it’s not all in the numbers. Most of it is cultivating relationships and guiding customers through the sales process.

Organizing Sales Leads

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Having a clear system in place is the only way to know you’re ready to respond professionally.  In other words, you know exactly what stage a lead is at, what their needs are and when the next follow-up should happen.

Pro-Tip: RepSpark's B2B Marketplace will expose your brand to a marketplace of tends of thousands of retailer buyers and gives you a better curated avenue for leads. You'll be notified when a new retailer wants to begin shopping your brand. You're able to screen these potential customers to ensure they're a good fit for your brand. 

This helps you focus on the right leads at the right time, ensuring no one slips through the cracks. Keeping your leads organized spells out better customer relationships, faster response times and more closed deals. 

Qualified and Unqualified Leads

Quite honestly, not all leads are worth chasing. Some are qualified – i.e. need exactly what you’re offering, have the budget and are ready to move forward – while others are still in a stage where they're exploring and researching. 

Lead Organization and Sales Performance

Effective lead management is a key factor in sales success. Non-negotiable, really. By organizing your leads, tracking their progress and prioritizing follow-ups, you can improve conversion rates, increase sales efficiency and build stronger relationships with potential customers.

Seeing exactly where each lead is in your pipeline allows you to work smarter, not harder.

Steps to Track Your Sales Leads

A long list of leads is great – there's no doubt it feels good to see potential customers stacking up. But here’s the thing: they’re potential customers, and to bring them home, you need to figure out how to approach each one.

For that, you’ll want to know where the lead stands, what they need and what’s the perfect time for you to show up. Think of it like a room full of people – some are ready to talk business, some are curious and others completely disinterested.

It’s up to you to know who’s who. Let’s go over how to do that effectively so you can stay organized, focused and ready to close the deal.

Collecting Lead Information

Collecting and storing information from the get-go is very important. Basic contact info like name, email and phone number goes without say, but you can go deeper. Jot down notes on pain points, goals or any specifics about what they’re looking for. The more you know, the more prepared and effective your follow-ups will be.

Organizing by Source and Funnel Stage

Not all leads come from the same place or are at the same stage in the buying process. Some might have found you through social media and are just browsing, while others came from a direct referral and are ready to buy. Organizing them by source and where they are in the process helps you prioritize.

Setting Follow-Up Reminders and Alerts

Better safe than sorry. You may trust your long-term memory to kick in, but with multiple leads on your desk, setting up reminders for follow-up dates is a good idea. These can make sure you’re always on time with your outreach and keep you from missing the window.

Measuring Lead Performance and Conversion Rates

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You can only improve on things you know. When it comes to sales leads, many names in the pipeline isn’t enough to determine you’re successful – you need concrete benchmarks.

In other words, quality over quantity. To grow your sales process, you need to know what works in it and what needs fine-tuning. And that means knowing the underlying reason for your leads moving forward or stalling.

Maybe you’re good with referrals, but email campaigns aren’t quite cutting it. Or you’re losing leads at a certain point in the sales funnel. If you don’t look into these things, you’re left guessing, and guesswork isn’t a strategy. Here’s what to keep in mind.

Key Metrics for Lead Tracking Success

How fast are you in following up with new leads? Quick responses can make all the difference between closing a sale and losing a lead. Next, pay attention to which sources bring in the most qualified leads.

Is social media paying off or are referrals your bread and butter? How long does it take to close a deal? The shorter your sales cycle, the more efficient your process is.

How to Calculate Lead Conversion Rates

To really get a read on how your sales strategy is performing, you need to know your conversion rate, and it’s simple math: take the leads that turned into paying customers and divide them by total number of leads.

For example, if you had 50 leads last month and 10 became customers, your conversion rate is 20%.

Using Analytics to Improve Lead Generation

Data doesn’t lie. Looking at your lead tracking data can reveal all sorts of useful information, like which marketing campaigns are bringing in high-quality leads or which stage of your sales funnel is losing people. Use this info to rethink your approach and improve lead generation over time.

Benefits of Efficient Sales Lead Tracking

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With a reliable system of tracking and managing leads, things start to run more smoothly. Instead of winging it, you take active control of your sales process, which, in turn, translates to better results all around. Here’s what you can expect with lead tracking under your belt:

Better Understanding of Customer Needs

There’s no doubt you’ll be more in tune with what each customer is looking for and have a clearer take on their needs, preferences or where they are in their buying journey. This means you can tailor your approach and build stronger, more personalized relationships.

More Closed Deals

You’re more likely to close deals when you prioritize. By focusing on the right leads at the right time, you’re channeling business efforts where they matter most and this scrutiny almost always hits the mark. You’re no longer following up randomly, but making strategic moves that align with each lead’s current position in the sales process.

Time Savings

A well-organized lead system streamlines your process by keeping everything at your fingertips. You can quickly find the details you need for a follow-up call, email or meeting. By cutting down on the time spent on administrative tasks, you free up more of your day to focus on what really matters: engaging with leads, refining your pitch and closing deals. 

Efficient sales lead tracking isn’t just about a tidy Excel sheet, it’s about creating a system that makes your day-to-day feel more manageable and purposeful. Simply put, a well-organized approach means you’re not simply going through the motions. Instead, you have a clear view of your pipeline that effectively turns potential into achievement – and that’s what really counts.

When you take the time to track and manage your sales leads, you’ll find that your business interactions become more meaningful, follow-ups more timely and your results more rewarding.

So why not start now? We have a marketplace of tens of thousands of retailers shopping the brands on our platform, and we can show you how it can help your brand. 

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