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The (Not So) Hidden Costs of Using Homegrown Software

4 min read
October 8, 2024

If you’re already using a homegrown software for your business, the idea of switching to a different software might feel like it’s the last thing you want to do. 

You, or your stakeholders, might hesitate at the thought due to the investment of time and effort you’ve already poured into maintaining your customized, in-house platform.

However, clinging to a homegrown system may be costing more than you realize. 

Established platforms, like RepSpark, have obvious benefits like the years of experience developing software and established presence among reps you want to work with, but there also more subtle benefits you might not have thought of. 

Overcoming the Emotional Investment of Your Homegrown Software

One of the primary reasons brands hesitate to move away from a homegrown system is the personal investment involved. 

Someone within the company likely “owns” that system—it’s their project, their “baby,” and they know every quirk and workaround. This emotional attachment can make the transition to a new platform feel like a loss, despite knowing that the current system isn’t the best solution. 

Recognizing this emotional barrier is the first step in moving toward a more efficient and scalable software.

Cost of Maintaining a Homegrown System

Maintaining a homegrown system isn’t just about financial costs; it’s also about the hidden expenses of keeping pace with technological advancements. 

In-house teams, often small and limited, can struggle to keep up with the rapid evolution of software needs. The cost of hiring developers, managing updates, ensuring security, and implementing new features can be overwhelming. Many brands underestimate these ongoing expenses, which are often baked into the daily operations, making them less visible.

Modern platforms, like RepSpark, come with dedicated teams of developers and product managers who are continuously innovating. 

They anticipate market trends, security needs, and customer demands, allowing your brand to stay ahead of the curve without the heavy lifting on your end. 

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, RepSpark quickly developed virtual showrooms and digital catalogs to support brands in a time of crisis, demonstrating the agility that a dedicated software platform can offer. 

We’re also continuously and strategically growing our development team to ensure we’re able to develop features and tools that don’t fail on you when you most need them. 

Collective Wisdom You Miss Out on a Homegrown System

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When you choose a platform like RepSpark, you gain access to a wealth of best practices collected from a diverse range of companies. 

Our product team gathers insights from large, medium, and small accounts as well as feedback from over 60,000 buyers using the platform. 

This collective wisdom is channeled into the software’s roadmap, ensuring it evolves to meet the needs of all its users. 

This approach leads to a product that not only supports your current business processes but also anticipates future challenges and opportunities.

Training and Onboarding Challenges Tied to a Homegrown System

As your team grows, onboarding new sales reps and managers becomes a critical concern. 

Training on a homegrown system can be cumbersome, especially when it involves outdated or non-intuitive interfaces. Modern sales reps expect to work with streamlined, user-friendly software that helps them do their jobs efficiently. 

Relying on outdated systems can be a turn-off for high-caliber talent, who may prefer working with brands that provide up-to-date tools and technologies.

With a platform like RepSpark, training is simplified and more effective. Standardized software that is widely recognized and used across the industry makes it easier for new team members to get up to speed, reducing the learning curve and increasing productivity.

Lack of Retailer Adoption for Your Homegrown System

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One of the most significant benefits of transitioning to a dedicated platform is the potential for increased retailer adoption. 

Platforms like RepSpark facilitate self-service for retailers, allowing them to check inventory, view invoices, make payments, and track order status—all without requiring manual assistance from your team. 

This level of accessibility not only improves the user experience but also drives more orders through the system, enhancing your return on investment.

Imagine trying to train thousands of buyers on a proprietary, homegrown system—it’s a daunting task. 

A standardized platform like RepSpark is known, used, and loved by many, making adoption smoother and more widespread. 

The easier it is for retailers to use your platform, the more likely they are to engage regularly, ultimately driving more business and relieving pressure on your internal resources.

Sticking with a homegrown system might feel comfortable, but it can limit your brand's potential in the long run. 

The hidden costs of maintaining outdated technology, the challenges of training new staff, and the barriers to retailer adoption all add up. Transitioning to a modern platform like RepSpark not only mitigates these issues but also positions your brand to thrive in an increasingly digital marketplace.

Connect with us today to learn how we can help you move forward with confidence.

Or learn more about how RepSpark compares with a homegrown system on our dedicated landing page. 

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